For the safety of all, if you have any cold or flu-like symptoms, please stay at home.
Mass Times in Moree
Weekend Masses at St Francis Xavier Church
(cnr Boston & Gwydir Sts, Moree) Saturday 6.00 pm Sunday 8.30 am Weekday Masses Monday 5.40 pm Tuesday 9.15 am (Parish Centre Chapel) Wednesday 5.40 pm Thursday 5.40 pm Friday 5.40 pm Saturday Adoration at 8.15am, followed by Mass at 9.15am Reconciliation 5-5.30pm Saturday at St Francis Xavier's. Other times by arrangement with the priest. |
Country Masses
We also have Masses at these country centres:
(please note no country Masses in January) Pallamallawa St Peter Julian Eymard Church 40 Centre Street 3rd Sunday of the month, 12 noon Mungindi Parish Mungindi St Joseph's Church Bucknell St 5.00 pm 2nd & 4th Sundays Boomi St Patrick's Church Bishop St 11.30am, 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month Garah Our Lady Help of Christians Church Midkin St 9.30 am, 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month |